Математика на английском языке. Репетитор в Москве и online для поступления в зарубежные школы

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Подготовка в зарубежные школы. Занятия в Москве и по Skype

Подготовка к вступительным тестам по математике в школы Великобритании, Швейцарии, Германии, Испании, США, Канады и других стран

Индивидуальные занятия ведёт магистр британского университета, экзаменатор Международного Бакалавриата, кандидат технических наук и доцент МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана с опытом преподавания более 20 лет

We develop mathematical thinking. That is why my students have successfully passed math entrance tests to 56 international schools

  • Are you looking for an online math tutor in English to prepare for admission to top UK and international school?
  • Would you like to prepare your child in advance for the coming academic year at an international school or the Foundation Year?
  • Do you need additional math training during school break?

If yes, then I will be glad to see you in my mathematics classes in English to prepare for admission to schools abroad and subsequent study abroad. You can find out more about the teacher, the methods of conducting classes and the results of my students by WhatsApp / Telegram +7-771-268-0417 or links below.

Почему российским ученикам требуется подготовка по математике для поступления в частные школы Англии?

При сдаче вступительных тестов по математике в зарубежную частную школу у детей часто возникают трудности, так как в России и за границей к ученикам одного и того же возраста предъявляются разные требования.

Во-первых, британская школьная программа по математике на год-два опережает российскую. В результате при сдаче экзаменов в британские школы неподготовленый российский школьник в большинстве случаев обнаружит у себя недостаток знаний по таким разделам математики как алгебра и математический анализ, тригонометрия, аналитическая геометрия, комбинаторика, теория вероятностей, статистика и анализ данных. Основная масса этих белых пятен входит в последующие год-два российской школьной программы, а небольшая часть – даже в ВУЗовскую.

А лучшие школы Великобритании, например, Oundle , Brighton, Fettes, Wellington, Sevenoaks зачастую включают в свои вступительные экзамены по математике и нестандартные задачи.

В этом Вы можете убедиться сами – типовые варианты вступительных тестов в частные школы Великобритании представлены здесь.

Во-вторых, для российских школьников вступительные экзамены в лучшие школы-пансионы Англии начинаются уже с октября-ноября предшествующего учебного года, т.е. за 10 месяцев до начала обучения. Поэтому российский школьник уже в момент сдачи теста должен уверенно знать всё то, что его британский коллега будет осваивать ещё целый учебный год.

В-третьих, необходимо освоить специальную математическую терминологию на английском языке. Часто бывает так, что даже свободно владеющий языком студент не может правильно понять условие задачи без специальной подготовки.

Например, моя ученица Настя после наших занятий по подготовке к ЕГЭ поступила в МГУ на бюджет. После этого её планы поменялись, и она решила уехать на обучение в Канаду, для подготовки к которому снова обратилась ко мне. Несмотря на то, что она успешно сдала сложный экзамен по английскому языку TOEFL, без знания английских математических терминов Настя поначалу испытывала трудности с пониманием текста даже простых заданий зарубежных математических тестов.

В-четвёртых, большой конкурс. Многие зарубежные школы выделяют иностранным студентам лишь ограниченное количество мест и поэтому проводят для них отдельный конкурс. Например, в престижном Wellington College учится всего 11% иностранцев.

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About the tutor and his contact details

My name is Evgeny, I am a lecturer of advanced mathematics at one of the leading Russian Technical Universities having 20+ years of teaching experience. I have been privately tutoring for all main international exams in mathematics for the last 15+ years (A-Level, IB, GCSE/IGCSE, Common Entrance, SAT, GRE, SSAT, ISEE and GMAT). Altogether I have more than 15000 hours of teaching experience.

I have both Russian and British education: Russian PhD degree (Department of Applied Mathematics at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University) and British MPhil degree (Civil Engineering Department, University of Wales Swansea). I also have a degree with honours of Mathematician-Engineer-Researcher majoring in Applied Mathematics from the Department of Applied Mathematics of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University.

I keep both Russian and Soviet traditions of math teaching as I was studying in one of the best Moscow special schools with enhanced coverage of mathematics, physics and informatics. So, we can also use adapted time-proven Russian study materials during our classes.

Moreover, I am very well acquainted with assessment criteria for different math exams: I was an examiner for International Baccalaureate (Math HL) in 2016-2019 and an examiner for the Russian National Math Exam in 2011-2019.

My English is fluent – I have successfully passed such international English language exams as TOEFL, PITMAN, TOEIC, JETSET Level 6.

I am focused only at math teaching without distracting by other subjects such as physics, English language and others. So I can focus on quality of my teaching process and constantly track changes in requirements for various international schools and math exams.

I do prepare for admissions to UK and international schools, all international math exams in English language.

I am available the whole academic year from September to June inclusive.

You can find more information about me on the main page.

I will be happy to answer all your questions – call or write me to WhatsApp / Telegram +7-771-268-0417 or email me info@mathconsult.ru

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How are my classes conducted?

Our classes are aimed at preparation for admission math tests to schools at the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Germany, Spain, United Arab Emirates and other countries. We can also prepare for the following studies at GSCE, IGCSE, A-Level, International Baccalaureate (IB) or Foundation Program.

The lessons are conducted according to my own method aimed at the development of mathematical thinking.

My goal is to teach my students to think independently, solve complex problems, give them self-confidence and increase their attentiveness.

To understand the essence of the matter, we always discuss simple examples and write down step-by-step schemes for solving frequently encountered problems.

We pay special attention to solving entrance math past papers from various UK private schools, including Ashford School, Badminton School, Blundell’s School, Brighton College, Bromsgrove School, Canford, Caterham School, Cheltenham College, Clayesmore, Clifton College, Dauntsey’s School, D’Overbroeck’s College, Downe House, Dulwich College, Eton College, Fettes College, Haileybury, Woldingham, Kent College, King’s School Ely, Kingswood School, Lancing College, Leys, Magdalen College, Malvern College, Marlborough College, Mill Hill School, Oundle School, Perse School, Sevenoaks School, Sidcot School, St Edmund’s College, St Edward’s School Oxford, Cardiff Sixth Form College, St Swithun’s School, Stowe School, Taunton School, Wellington College, Wycliffe College, New Hall School, Sherborne School and others.

Over the years of work, I have accumulated about 1000 entrance tests of various levels (11+, 13+, 14+, 16+) to more than 120 UK schools.

By the way, the most part of these tests are in limited access.

When necessary we use textbooks and solve problems from Common Entrance Exam, GCSE / IGCSE, A-Level and IB past papers.

We can also solve a special selection of non-standard problems from top selective UK schools.

The second goal of my classes is to make the student a qualified technical interpreter. Therefore, we learn mathematical terms in English by heart.

The training course (the syllabus of classes, their amount and duration) is discussed individually for each student, taking into account the goals, deadlines and the level of knowledge determined by a test.

For example, for students entering the Sixth Form (A-Level or IB programs), the course consists of two modules: “Standard”, dedicated to solving initial level problems and studying corresponding terms in algebra, trigonometry, probability and 2D geometry; and “Advanced”, in which we study advanced level problems and terms in algebra, calculus, 3D geometry, vectors, probability and statistics.

The classes are conducted in English.

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To which 56 schools all over the world have my students been enrolled?

My 60 students have successfully passed entrance math exams to such British schools as Sevenoaks School, Oundle School, Marlborough College, Fettes College, Horris Hill, Brighton College, Charterhouse, Wellington College, Clifton College, Stowe School, Badminton School, Malvern College, Lancing College, Wycliffe College, King’s Ely, Uppingham School, Bromsgrove School, Canford, Ashford School, Caterham School, Leighton Park School, King Edward’s, D’Overbroeck’s College, Downe House, Haileybury, St. Clare’s, Sidcot School, Loretto School, Strathallan School, Kent college, St. Edmunds, Epsom College, Ardingly College, Rendcomb College, Aldenham School, Oakham School, Concord College, Bradfield College, Bedford School, Woldingham School, Cardiff Sixth Form College, Glenalmond College, Dragon School, Kensington Park School and others for different courses from Year 7 (11+) to Year 12 (16+).

More than 10 of my students have been enrolled to various schools in Germany, Spain, Switzerland, Canada and Luxembourg.

Please see below the list of some of my students’ success stories with links to their testimonials.

  • Boris – entered Cardiff Sixth Form College (UK) to study at 6th form (16+).
  • Sofia – entered Sevenoaks school (UK) for the 13+ program.
  • Polina – entered British schools Loretto, Lancing, Bromsgrove, Caterham for 6th form (16+). She has chosen Loretto.
  • Mike – entered to Wellesley House School (UK) for 12+ program. Has been enrolled to British Wellington College and Marlborough College for 13+ studies. He has chosen Marlborough College.
  • Sophia – entered to British Kensington Park School, Bromsgrove School, Ashford School and Leighton Park School to study for GCSE. She is at Kensington Park School now.
  • Kamilla – entered d’Overbroeck’s College (UK) to study at 6th form (16+).
  • Andrei – has been enrolled to Bromsgrove School (UK) for 16+ program.
  • Vika – entered British schools Sidcot and Wycliffe for her GCSE (14+) studies. She has chosen Sidcot.
  • Sasha – entered Horris Hill School (UK) for 11+ program.
  • Vladimir – entered the following UK schools for 6th form (16+) program: Wellington College, Charterhouse, Haileybury, Bradfield College, Bedford and St Edwards Oxford. He has chose Wellington College at September 2015.
  • Maria – entered British schools Brighton, Сanford, Uppingham, Bromsgrove, Charterhouse, Clifton, Lancing, Malvern for 6th form (16+) program.
  • Kolya – entered Caterham, Epsom, Cheltenham (UK) for 14+ studies. He has chosen Cheltenham.
  • Sasha – successfully passed math entrance tests to the following UK schools: Wycliffe, Kent college, King’s Ely, St. Edmunds to study GCSE course (14+). He has chosen King’s Ely.
  • Ivan and Gleb – entered Bromsgrove School and Strathallan School (UK) for 13+ (year 9) and 12+ (year 8) programs.
  • Maria – entered Sidcot and Rendcomb schools (UK) for GCSE course. She has chosen Sidcot.
  • Artur – entered British Dragon School for 11+ course.
  • Kate – entered Wellington College (UK) for 16+ studies.
  • Polina – successfully passed math test to British Sevenoaks, Ardingly, St Clare’s for 16+. She started IB course at Ardingly College (UK) at September 2016.
  • Daniela – entered Concord College (UK) for 6th form (16+) program.
  • Stepan – entered Lancing College (UK) for 13+ (year 9) program.
  • Valeria – passed entrance math tests to the following UK schools: Haileybury, Ardingly College, King Edward’s. She has chosen Haileybury for her GCSE (14+) course.
  • Anna – has been enrolled to Caterham and Ashford UK schools. She was studying in Caterham for 16+ A-Level course.
  • Sasha – has been enrolled for A-level course to Stowe School (UK).
  • Boris – entered British School of Barcelona College (Spain) to study at GCSE (14+).
  • Kate – entered pre-IB course in Salem School (Germany).
  • Tamara и Kate – started their 12th year studies at Bodwell School (Canada) in September 2014.

As a result of our classes my students gain fundamental knowledge of the math subject. Therefore, in addition to entering schools in the UK and other countries, my students improve their performance in their current schools. So, all my ninth graders received excellent for the Russian analogue of GCSE in mathematics.

Sometimes things get funny. For example, my seventh grade student Vika was complained by her math teacher because the girl used eighth grade methods in class. So, we have learned the topics which her classmates will learn only in the next school year 🙂

My students are praised in the UK – they are enrolled into the top set of math class. Sasha and two other guys were sent to the British Mathematical Olympiad UK Intermediate Mathematical Challenge to defend the honor of the school. Polina, who as a result of our classes entered the British school Loretto for A-Level course, has been awarded a diploma “Best Mathematician of the Month” in November 2013.

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What are reviews and testimonials of my students?

Мои успешные ученики и их родители написали мне более 80 рекомендательных писем.

Некоторые отзывы о моей работе представлены здесь.

Остальные рекомендательные письма я предоставлю Вам на первом занятии.

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Как записаться на занятия по математике на английском языке?

Чтобы записаться на занятия по математике на английском языке по подготовке в зарубежные школы и напрямую задать любые интересующие Вас вопросы, позвоните мне по телефону +7-771-268-0417 или напишите на email info@mathconsult.ru .

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